
Sunday, July 15, 2012

North Manitou Island - Afterthoughts

The long first day was a little rough on the group. I was disappointed that we didn't find what we were looking for at the Pot Holes. I did more research after returning home and it looks like we were just a few hundred yards west of where we should have been. They are still on my list to see on a future trip.

Mac collected a couple deer ticks, but the Permethrin treatment on our clothes seemed to have helped keep them away from Chrissy and I.

A huge thanks to the Lenawee County Undersheriff for rescuing us from our missing key. I always make sure to double check to make sure I know where it is when I lock the truck now. I spoke with the fine folks at Manitou Island Transit, and they said they would be more than happy to hold onto your key at their ticket counter until you returned from the island. Double check with them when you check in prior to leaving.

I didn't realize it at the time, but I managed to get into some poison ivy. I hate poison ivy almost as much as I hate mosquitoes, and slightly more than I hate ticks. I won't snicker the next time I see somebody walking down the trail with long pants, gaiters, and hiking boots on next time, I suppose it's what I get for enjoying shorts and sandals.

When we go back I think we will base camp for a couple days, do some exploring, then move to a new site. The island is small enough to be able to access quite a bit from well placed base camp.

It seems that Big Al's is starting to become an after trip tradition. I wouldn't say they are the best pizza shop in the State, Fricano's in Grand Haven, MI has a firm grip on that record, but their subs are delicious especially after a few days of trail food.

Stay tuned for more adventures!